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You Win In the Locker Room First – Check out this great new book by Jon Gordon & former NFL Coach Mike Smith

Want to know the 7 C’s to Build a Winning Team in Business, Sports, and Life? Check out by Jon Gordon and former NFL Coach Mike Smith

“Culture is defined and created from the top down, but it comes to life from the bottom up.”

“Want to create sustainable success? Focus on the root, not the fruit.”

“Leadership is a transfer of purpose, passion, optimism, and belief.”

“Often, the difference between success and failure is belief.”

“There is never a bad day, only bad moments.”

“Remember, you don’t have to be great to serve, but you do have to serve to be great.”

“The character you possess during the drought is what your team will remember during the harvest.”

“People often think of communication as talking, but it’s actually more about listening.”

“The connection you create today will be the bond that strengthens your team tomorrow.”

“Vulnerability may seem weak, but in truth it is the pathway to meaningful connections and a powerful team.”



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You Win in the Locker Room First: The 7 C’s to Build a Winning Team in Business, Sports, and Life

NFL head coach Mike Smith lead one of the most remarkable turnarounds in NFL history. In the season prior to his arrival in 2008, the Atlanta Falcons had a 4–12 record and the franchise had never before achieved back-to-back winning seasons. Under Smith’s leadership, the Falcons earned an 11–5 record in his first season and would go on to become perennial playoff and Super Bowl contenders earning Smith AP Coach of year in 2008 and voted Coach of Year by his peers in 2008, 2010 and 2012.

You Win in the Locker Room First draws on the extraordinary experiences of Coach Mike Smith and Jon Gordon—consultant to numerous college and professional teams—to explore the seven powerful principles that any business, school, organization, or sports team can adopt to revitalize their organization.

Step by step, the authors outline a strategy for building a thriving organization and provide a practical framework that give leaders the tools they need to create a great culture, lead with the right mindset, create strong relationships, improve teamwork, execute at a higher level, and avoid the pitfalls that sabotage far too many leaders and organizations.

In addition to sharing what went right with the Falcons, Smith also transparently shares what went wrong his last two seasons and provides invaluable lessons leaders can take away from his victories, success, failures and mistakes.

Whether it’s an executive leadership team of a Fortune 500 company, a sports team, an emergency room team, military team, or a school team successful leaders coach their team and develop, mentor, encourage, and guide them. This not only improves the team, it improves the leaders and their relationships, connections, and organization.

You Win in the Locker Room First offers a rare behind-the-scenes look at one of the most pressure packed leadership jobs on the planet and what leaders can learn from these experiences in order to build their own winning team.

Learn more at | Book available where ever books are sold.